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Restoration Projects

San Francisco de Paula Church, hacienda of Chincua, Senguio, Michoacan, Mexico


-19 th century church Neoclassical architecture.

- Stone walls

- Finishing Limetone

- Roof beams

- Tiles


I developed this entire restoration project in four phases Liberation, Consolidation, Reintegration and Integration.


This projects consist in 80 sheets including  Floors, Sections, Facades installations, and details, also I did the final cost estimate for the project. .





Auditorium- Museum, Maravatio, Michoacan, Mexico


-19 century building


- Stonewalls

- Finishing limestone

- Roof beams


This was the first building that I had the opportunity to intervene while working at the Public Works Department of this town. I developed the entire restoration project, including: the installations, finishes, and restructuring of the entire building, as well as, all documentation required to obtain the necessary permits from the National
Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), and supervision of all restoration work, including purchasing all necessary materials and contracting the qualified tradesmen to complete the restoration.

Jacal (Barn) hacienda of San Francisco de Paula, Chincua, Senguio, Michoacan, Mexico.


- 19 century building


Based on the historical and site investigation that I conducted, the new use that I proposed for the Hacienda of Chincua was to convert the primary residence into a hotel, the barn into a banquet center, and the stables into a parish center for the main church.

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